Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

A Block: 
  • Discussed challenges to new immigrants coming to PEI
  • Discussed whether or not assimilation was necessary
  • Discussed racism/discrimination
"We Are More" Group Assignment
You may work in pairs or groups (each person is responsible for 5 lines)
You must use this class to create an Island version of “We Are More”.  We have a very unique Island culture, and as we know, people sometimes like to “poke fun” at those who are different. 
Your mission is to create a slam poem (spoken word poem) which embodies the theme “We Are More”.
You will be asked to present your poem at the end of class.
You will be graded on your presentation (creativity and performance) and your ability to highlight our Island culture and respond to any stereotypes the rest of Canada, The United States, or the world might have toward us.
You will have the opportunity to work on this for the first 20 minutes of class tomorrow.
  Please watch the following video:
Slam poet: Shane Koyczan
Block B:
  • "We Are More " Group assignment (worked on this entire period)
  • See above for more details.
  • Silent Reading first thing tomorrow morning and then we will be presenting these.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday, Oct. 30th

A & B:

  • Guest Speaker --> Jackie Waddell (Executive Director Island Nature Trust)

  • Presentation on the "Natural History of PEI: Ice Age to Present"

  • Students completed a notes sheet (to be included in your History Folder) worth marks.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday, October 29th

Block A & B:
Handed out Pedigree Charts (for #14 mini-project)
Economic Inititiative slideshow assignments (you will start losing marks as of tomorrow)
Discussed assimilation and immigration concerns

Tuesday, October 23, 2012 Info REMINDER -- Please submit your journal entries!

Block A:
Class ID: 5625628
Password: raiders

Block B:
Class ID: 5625638
Password: raiders

Tuesday, October 23

Block A: Presentations and Post Secondary Fair
Block B: Presentations and worked on article response (that is a folder assignment and was not completed at the first of the year).
Reminder that you must be prepared to engage in the debate at our town hall meeting tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday, Oct. 22

A & B: Worked in the computer lab to finish research for town hall meeting on Plan B.
Mock Town Hall Meeting will go during Wednesday's class. Please come prepared to debate! You will be asked to turn in your research booklets (worth marks) at this time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Town Hall Meeting: Plan B (Group Assignment)

History 621B                                                                                                                      Town Hall Meeting
Agenda: Plan B                                                                                                                 Date: Friday, October 19
We will be conducting a "town hall" meeting to discuss the government's Plan B Trans Canada Highway project.
You will be given a side to argue in favor of (regardless of your own personal opinions). You must set aside your personal values, beliefs, and biases, and try to present your argument effectively and persuasively.
Not only should you develop a strong argument (that is backed up by facts, statistics, and research), but you must anticipate any possible counter-arguments that might come your way and have a rebuttal prepared to defend your argument.
That being said, some members of your group should be in charge of identifying possible counter-arguments and coming up with solid rebuttals.
Remember  good debaters often use persuasive techniques to bolster their argument (emotional, logical  and ethical appeals, rhetorical questions, calls to action, etc.)
Roles:  Mayor, concerned citizens (elders, youth -- consider their different perspectives on the issue at hand), MLA's from the area, concerned groups (nature activist groups, Mi'kmaq, representatives from Dept. of Highway and Safety) etc.
Each group member MUST pass in the research sheet (arguments/counter-arguments) and each group member must participate (speak) during the town hall meeting. You can delegate the researching responsibilities within your group and share your findings with the larger group. I will give you 15-20 minutes at the beginning of Friday’s class to organize yourselves.
You will be evaluated on your research, the strength of your argument (how well it is supported), your use of persuasive devices, and your handling of counter-arguments.

Tuesday, October 16

We wrote our Unit 1 test today. If you were absent please have your parent call me to verify your absence or email me at

Monday, October 15, 2012

Yes, there is a test tomorrow!!!!

Very exciting -- our first test!!! 
Can't wait.  Today we went over the answers to the "Lotto 1767" questions and "The Gloomy Forest" questions. We also went over the Story Mapping History Frame. I handed back your timelines and settlement map assignments. I have your legends/myths graded (marks are online), but didn't have time to hand them back.

Thanks for stopping by the blog...........PS: if you are looking to get a bonus mark tomorrow, it might be a good idea to know that "Michel Hache Gallant" was the first settler to the Island in 1719.

Good luck studying!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Unit 1: Land and Resources Test Review Information

History 621B                                       Unit 1: Land and Resources Test
Your upcoming test with be a mix of fill-in-the-blanks, multiple choice, short answer, and an essay question (it may also involve a sight reading and response).
You must be able to demonstrate your understanding on the following topics:
ü  Historical bias (understand how bias relates to and affects history)
o   Things to look for when recognizing bias
ü  Land and Resources : Prehistory and Mi’kmaq settlement
o   Please review all notes (slideshow)
o   PEI Dinosaur (questions)
o   First Peoples
o   Mi’kmaq relationship with the land
ü  Settlement Patterns on PEI (slideshow notes)
o   Define “site” and “settlement” à be able to give examples
o   Understand how site and settlement factors affect settlement patterns
ü  French Regime on Ile St. Jean ( slideshow notes)
o   Understand how the ownership of the Acadian colonies being thrown “back and forth” contributed to their identity as Acadians and their general attitude.
o   Understand the significance of the Fortress Louisbourg and identify the connection it had to Ile St. Jean (Granary of New France).
o   Jean Pierre Roma and his estate at Trois Rivieres
o   Acadian Expulsion (know History Frame Story Mapping, movie worksheet)
ü  British Rule (slideshow notes)
o   The Earl of Egmont’s vision for the Island (understand the feudal system)
o   Samuel Holland (survey, lot system, lottery à questions from “Lotto 1767” article.
o   Conditions and obstacles to the landlord system
o   Walter Patterson
o   Pioneer Life à obstacles à how did  they view the environment? Impact on the future?
o   “Gloomy Forest” – questions
ü  Be able to describe how an economic initiative or policy involving an Island natural resource has contributed to the Island economy and what impact (if any) it has had on the natural resource(s).

Wed. Oct. 10

Block A and B:
  • Finished British Rule slideshow notes
  • New assignment "Pioneer Journal Entry" --> to be submitted on
  • "Gloomy Forest" questions (due Monday)
  • Students worked on slideshow assignment and journal entry (please see sidebar for deadlines)

The Gloomy Forest article (for questions and journal entry)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Friday Oct. 5th & Tue. Oct. 9th

Block A & B: in the computer lab working on slideshow assignment (see previous post)


Block A: guest speaker in the lecture theatre (debriefed in class -- talked about bias)
Block B: handed out fill-in-the-blanks notes sheet and started notes on British rule --> copied questions for article "Lotto 1767" (to be completed for homework)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Economic Development Slideshow Assignment

Unit 1: Land and Resources
Slideshow Assignment

Choose one economic initiative or policy involving an Island natural resource and analyze its history and current state to create an overall view of the initiative’s contribution to the Island economy over time and its impact on the natural resource(s).

You must investigate the reasons for the initiative, the factors that contributed to its success or failure, and the impact that the initiative had on the resource involved.

¨  You may work by yourself or with a partner (no groups)
¨  You must have at least five (5) slides
¨  You must include at least (3) images

Possible topics:
·         Shipbuilding
·         Fox Farming
·         Reciprocity Treaty 1854
·         Lobster Canneries
·         Irish Moss Harvesting
·         Early Tourism Efforts
·         Development Plan of the 1960s
·         Other initiative/policy linked to a natural resource

Please use a variety of resources to research your topic.  Please navigate the UPEI Institute of Island Studies website (please click on "Online Library" under the "Main Navigation" menu on the left side of the web page. There are many articles listed here that would be of help in your research). I have listed a few of interest below:
"Forests and Forestry in Prince Edward Island"
"The Island Landscape: A Non-renewable Resource" (scroll report menu on right side of page).
"Primary Resource Industry Waste on Prince Edward Island"
"Aquaculture and the Export of Knowledge Based Services"
"The Importance of Positive Government-Governance Relations for Land Use Planning and Management on Prince Edward Island"
"The Fixed Crossing and the Island: Bonanza or Boondoggle?"
"The Economic, Social, and Environmental Implications of Genetically Modified Crops on Islands"

ü  Presentation clearly outlines the initiative/policy involving the Island resource                              /10
ü  Presentation coherently analyzes the initiative’s history and current state
ü  Presentation outlines the factors which contributed to its success/failure
ü  Presentation identifies the impact that the initiative had on the resource involved

Presentation:                                                                                                                                                               /5
ü  At least 5 slides
ü  At least 3 images
ü  Text on slides is well-spaced (not cramped on each slide)
ü  Attractively presented
ü  Spelling/grammar/sentence structure

Oral Component:                                                                                                                            /5                          
ü  Student(s) present(s) slideshow to the class
ü  Student is able to elaborate on slides (not just read them)
ü  Student is confident, speaks clearly, and makes eye contact
Total:                   /20

Thursday, Oct. 4

Block A:
Started notes on British regime
Passed out article "The Lotto of 1767" -- assigned questions to be completed for homework

Block B:
Finished movie
Worked on timeline (due tomorrow as an assignment) and History Story Mapping Frame

Wednesday, Oct. 3

Block B:
Finished notes on French regime
Watched movie on Acadian Expulsion (completed a worksheet)

Block A:
Finished movie (and worksheet)
Worked on timeline (due as an assignment --> must have at least "10" points on your timeline
Worked on History Frame Story Mapping sheet

Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Class ID and Password

Block A:
Class ID: 5625628
Password: raiders

Block B:
Class ID: 5625638
Password: raiders

Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday, Oct.1st

Block B: Worked on Myths and Legends assignment --> due: Wednesday, October 3rd; map assignment is due tomorrow (Oct. 23)

Block A: notes (fill in the blanks booklet) on French settlement on PEI