Monday, December 17, 2012

Historical Significance Research Assignment

Historical Significance Research Assignment
The writings of Lucy Maud Montgomery have been significant for the Island’s identity and economy. Think of other contributions to Island culture such as other people, buildings, artifacts, or events.
Select one cultural contribution that you feel has been particularly significant to Island life and present a case for it to be recognized in a special ceremony, festival, or holiday.  Think about how you would recognize this person(s), building, artifact, event, etc.  (activities, events, music, food, etc.)
Please research your topic  and organize your findings before writing your proposal (note-taking is a must).
ü  All proposals must use Chicago Style documentation.
ü  Please refer to:  
ü  I expect a footnote after EVERY thought or idea that is not your own (you will definitely have footnotes when you are writing your background information on your topic).
ü  You must include a properly formatted bibliography or notes page with your proposal.
ü  Please write your thoughts/findings in a proposal which will be submitted on

Project Proposal Format
All proposals have two communicative objectives: they must describe what you are planning to do, and they must convey why this is a reasonable, important, and interesting plan.  In proposing your project, your overall goal should be to provide a persuasive argument for the project’s implementation. Please provide enough details to allow your audience to understand the importance of your proposed plan.
Working Title of Project: _________________________________
Proposal Type: Idea to be explored
Primary Contact:                     Name:_________________
                                                Phone: ________________
Executive Summary:
Please provide a summary of the information detailed throughout this project proposal
Please discuss the background for this project. Please start by answering the following questions:
·         Why is your person, building, event, artifact, etc. important? Please include a brief history and points of interest.
·         What is the most interesting thing you learned through your research for this project?
·         Why does this person, building, event, artifact, etc. deserve to be recognized?
·         Does your topic deserve recognition on a national or world-wide level? Explain.
Statement of Need:
Discuss the needs or opportunities to be addressed by this project. 
·         Why is this topic important? Why should this work be done?
·         Who will this project appeal to? (age group). How will you tailor this project to meet the needs of all age ranges ? *use specific examples
·         Who will care about the results?
·         What supplies, materials, venues, etc. will be needed to implement this project?
·         When will this project be implemented (time of year (dates), duration (days, hours, weeks?)
·         How much will this project cost?
Project Goals:
Identify the goals of this project. Discuss what is to be achieved and the expected/desired outcomes of this project.
·         What are the overall goals of this project?
·         What are my personal goals for this project?
·         What do I want other to learn/achieve in the completion of this project?
·         How will the Island benefit economically from this project? Elaborate and give specific examples.

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