Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, Sept.28th

Block A: Worked on Legends/Myths assignment (due Monday) --> passed in Map assignment
Block B: Terry Fox Run (above assignment is due Tuesday)
Block B Map assignment is due Monday

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, Sept.27th

Block A & B:
  • Map activity (predicting settlement on PEI using site and settlement factors)
  • Comparing predictions with actual French and British settlements
  • Questions
  • This is an assignment that is to be passed into me for marks (not a folder assignment).
  • Due: Friday, Sept. 28th (Block A) --> Monday, Oct. 1st (Block B)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Block A & B:
Copied notes "Settlement on PEI: Site and Situation Factors"
Group work: analyzing a map and deciding which locations have more desirable site and situation factors

Terry Fox Run: Friday @ 10:25 am

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, Sept.25th

Block A & B:
  • Worked on Myths/Legends assignment (due: Monday, Oct.1)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, Sept. 21

Block A:
  • Finished notes from Intro to Unit 1
  • New assignment: Create your own legend/myth (see criteria from notes)
  • Worked on assignment for the remainder of class. We will be working on this for tomorrow's class, so please come prepared (coloring utensils, etc)
Block B: Same as above

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, September 21

Block A & B:
  • Students handed in their "preferred dates sheets" --> if you did not hand them in, please email me your preferred dates, no later than Saturday. I will be making my master "calendar" this weekend. If I do not hear from you, I will choose your dates. 
  • Email:
  • We spent the entire period working on our research projects in the library

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20

Block A:
Homework check --> PEI Dinosaur questions
Slideshow Intro to Land and Resources unit notes
Mi'kmaq map

Block B:
Assigned PEI Dinosaur questions for homework
Intro to Land and Resources Unit notes

Terry Fox Run tomorrow --> B Block go to class first:) Please bring any donations with you:)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wedneday, Sept. 19th

Block A & B:
  • Spent period in the library doing research for mini-projects
  • Please submit your "preferred dates sheet" to me by Friday, Sept. 21st

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, Sept. 18th

Block A:
  • Critically analyzed secondary documents (English Revolution) and tried to detect bias (hand-out/questions). Answered Source #1 questions and discussed in class.
  • Handed out class textbooks
  • Introduced Unit 1: Land and Resources --> copied notes from slideshow
  • Handed out article "Bathygnathus Comes Home" (Island Magazine) copied and worked on questions.
  • Homework: Complete hand-out questions for secondary source #2; article (PEI Dinosaur) questions are to be completed. Also, please hand in your "preferred dates" sheets for your projects no later than Friday:)
Block B:
  • Critically analyzed secondary documents (English Revolution) and tried to detect bias (hand-out/questions). Answered Source #1 questions and discussed in class.
  • Handed out class textbooks
  • Introduced Unit 1: Land and Resources --> copied notes from slideshow
  • Homework: Complete hand-out questions for secondary source #2
  • Also, please hand in your "preferred dates" sheets for your projects no later than Friday:)
  • Monday, September 17, 2012

    Historical Screencast Link (for folder assignment)

    Monday, Sept. 17th

    Block A & B: Historical Bias Screencast (completed sheet as folder assignment)
    Worked on and discussed Recognizing Bias worksheet
    Worked in groups viewing and critically analyzing secondary sources from the English Revolution (to detect bias)

    Friday, September 14, 2012

    Block A:
    Handed out criteria for mini-projects to be completed throughout the semester. Handed out presentation date request sheet --> to be completed by next Friday. Started historical bias screencast (sheet to be completed as a folder assignment).

    Block B: Same as above, but we didn't get to the screencast

    Thursday, September 13, 2012

    Thursday, Sept, 13

    Hello all, Sorry for my absence -- I was out sick the last two days.

    • Today: Block A & B: Slideshow on "Bias" --> copied notes and discussed historical bias
    • History folder assignments so far: "I am a Spud Islander"
    • Article Response (students chose an article from The Island magazine
    • What it means to be an Islander reflection (done with Mr. Gauthier)

    Monday, September 10, 2012


    Hi all, My apologies for the horrible formatting on this blog! Blogger had a new design and I am having some issues with the formatting. Please bear with me! Ms. Flick:)

    Monday, September 10th

    Block A: Introduction to PEI history slideshow Passed out "I am a Spud Islander" editorial Folder Assignment #1 (passed out questions on editorial) Block B: Handed out course outline and discussed Intro to PEI history slideshow

    Course Outline

    History 621B Teacher: Kate Flick Email: Phone: (902)368-6905 Class Blog: Course Overview: This course offers a survey of PEI history from prehistory to the present under the following general headings: Unit 1: Land and Resources – Red Rock, Black Spruce, and Salt Air Unit 2: People and Culture – Between the Jigs and the Reels Unit 3: Economy and Technologies – Markets, Machinery, and Money Unit 4: Power and Government – Keepers of the House This survey represents the narrative or story of our Island history. In addition, we will be exploring the culture, stories, experiences and achievements of our history. We will have opportunities for field trips and bring in guest speakers. You will be responsible for a variety of projects designed to establish a stronger connection to your history on PEI and, hopefully, to develop a deeper understanding of our culture combined with knowledge and even a love for this unique part of the world. Class participation will be quite important, and the various projects will require good organizational skills. I encourage understanding and critical thinking above memorization (though knowledge is necessary in forming opinions). Mark Breakdown: Unit 1: Land and Resources (Red Rock, Black Spruce, and Salt Air) 20 Unit 2: People and Culture (Between the Jigs and the Reels) 20 Unit 3: Power and Government (Keepers of the House) 20 Unit 4: Economies and Technologies (Markets, Machinery, and Money) 20 Major Assessments 20 Absences: • Please provide a note and have a parent/guardian phone in the absence to the office in the morning. • You are responsible to catch up on all work that was missed during your absence. Please check our class blog for info. on what was covered in class. Punctuality and Preparedness: • Arrive on time for class; late arrivals disrupt the class and are especially distracting during student presentations. • Please arrive to class prepared to learn (textbook, writing utensils, paper, etc.) Due Dates: • All assignments are to be submitted on the specified due date. • Late assignments will lose 10% each day, up to a maximum of three days (-30%). After this, students will not have an opportunity to pass in their work. History Folder: • You will be required to purchase a folder (2 pockets) to use as a history folder. Your history folder will be comprised of reading responses, worksheets, journal entries, and other assignments which I will be evaluating at the end of each term. I will provide you with a log to record the date each assignment is completed and its title. Research Standards: • Chicago Style (footnotes) • Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a mark of zero for the assignment. I look forward to learning with you this semester. I encourage participation, discussion, debate, and storytelling. This is your history and a story that is continuing to grow. You, your family, friends, and neighbors are valuable sources to this story. We can all learn as much from each other as from our textbooks. Ms. Flick

    Friday, September 7th

    Block A: Course Changes PEI Name Game Handed out and went over course outline and expectations Block B: PEI Name Game School Assembly

    Thursday, Sept. 6

    Block A: Homeroom duties Icebreaker Activities PEI Name Game Block B: Icebreaker Activities PEI Name Game