Sunday, September 18, 2016


PEI History 621B Projects                                                                                          Ms. Flick
Each student will be expected to complete and present projects to a value of 30pts for this semester. Projects are listed with a number of options.  Each student must complete one (1) project from each thematic area as indicated in the project description. Please focus on one of the “Six Concepts of Historical Thinking” (Historical Significance, Change and Continuity, Cause and Consequence, Moral Judgment, Evidence, and Historical Perspective) when completing each project. Your presentation should include all information detailed in the project description AND you must identify and explain how your project relates to your chosen “Concept of Historical Thinking”.

v  Project # 13 is worth 10 marks and will be presented towards the end of the first term.  This project stands alone, but you can choose the second “thematic area” you wish for it to count towards (it’s worth the value of two mini-projects). Read and follow all directions completely to achieve a full mark.

#1 (Theme: Land and Resources) Describe your favorite place on PEI, including when you first went there and why it is important to you. Include a photograph or sketch of the place. Using the text, PEI Place Names, or another suitable source, identify where the name came from, any other names it has had, who named it, what it was named for and any other relevant information. Present your findings to the class and post a neat copy on the wall with your name, information and sources. Value 5pts

#2 (Theme: Economies and Technologies) Find out about a cure or treatment for illness from the past on PEI or in the Maritime Region (not just a random pick from the Internet!).  Explain how the treatment was used, what materials were used to make it, what ailments it was used for and, if possible, how commonly it was used. Provide your sources, whether from a text or by word of mouth.  Present it to the class and hand in your findings in a neat copy with your source information. Value 5pts.

#3 (Theme: People and Culture) Pick an interesting custom or bit of folklore from the Island and explain it to the class.  This could be a superstitious practice, a tradition people observed, something done by a particular culture, etc.  Make sure you indicate where you learned it or who you learned it from and any information you can find out about its origins.  Hand in a neat written description with the source indicated. Value 5pts.

#4 (Theme: People and Culture) Find the oldest photograph you can and create a short presentation describing the scene, date, people, place, why the photo was taken and any interesting things about the photo or subject. If you cannot identify the people or location, you will have to treat the photo as an artifact and interpret the clues it provides.  You must show the photo to the class and pass in your neat writeup with sourcing.   Value 5pts

#5 (Theme: Land and Resources) Find a historic location (place, building, etc.) on PEI and create a visual presentation explaining the historic importance of the location.  You must have a picture, photo or sketch.  Indicate the source(s) for your picture and information. Your presentation will be briefly presented to the class and then mounted on the wall in minimum 8.5 by 11 inch (letter) size, neat and with name and source(s) clearly indicated. No duplicate topics. Value 5pts

#6 (Theme: Power and Government) Research an important event, (political, military, government or similar) that took place on the Island and create a visual project with write up, picture(s) and citations. This should be minimum 8 2 by 11" size and be neat, attract attention and be well-presented. It should clearly and completely explain the event and establish the historical significance of the event.  Value 5pts       

#7 (Theme: Economies and Technologies) Bring in an artifact for a show and tell activity. You must be able to identify the artifact, its approximate age, how it was made and of what materials.  You should be able to explain clearly what it was used for.  Where you got the artifact and who you got the information from are also required. Hand in a neat writeup including your name, sources, etc. Value 5pts

#8 (Theme: Power and Government) Research a famous Islander, now deceased, and create a one page visual feature study on this person. Your feature study will be an attractive display in minimum 8.5 by 11 inch size and include a picture or pictures, write-up and sources.  It should draw attention, be attractive and command interest.  It will be presented briefly and then posted on the classroom wall.  No duplicate topics. Value 5pts     

#9 (Theme: Power and Government) Read an article from The Island Magazine that deals with some aspect of government, public life, crime or social issues. Present to the class a short description and summary of the article, including a comment on what you learned and how interesting it was.  You must provide proper citation of the Magazine article. Hand in your notes with name and sourcing. No duplicates please. Value 5pts

#10 (Theme: Economies and Technologies)
#10 Choose a year between 1860 and 1910 on the website
Look for articles or advertisements for anything to do with either
 a) tools, technologies, ways of doing things or
b) the economy of the Island at the time which would include how people made a living, what the major economic concerns might have been at the time, the ‘new’ occupations of the time period, etc.
Prepare a short presentation on your findings and use images or other evidence to support your presentation. Hand in a writeup with the citations for your source(s). Value5 pts

#11 (Theme: People and Culture) Find out an Island or Maritime ghost story, supernatural event or freaky tale from an unpublished source or from the book PEI Ghost Stories (available in the library). Ghost stories from the internet will not be accepted. Write out the story and identify your source.  Present it to the class (dramatically!) on Halloween and hand in a neat, written copy with source(s).  Value 5pts

#12 (Theme: Land and Resources) Find your area, or an area you know, of the Island in the 1880 Meacham atlas.   Make a drawing, tracing or photocopy of the area.  Identify clearly any features of the area like churches, schools, mills and the like.  Compare the area then and now, noting changes in roads, key buildings and any other changes you notice.  Hand in your completed project after presenting it to the class. Show sources. Value 5 pts

#13 (Theme: People and Culture) Using a pedigree chart which I will provide, fill it in as far back as you can on both sides of your family (based upon interviews or any sources available, including archives if needed).   I will explain the use of this chart in class.  Once completed, gather stories from family members about your family.  Collect pictures of family members and homes or places they have lived.  You might include maps to show where they immigrated from if you can go that far back. Compile your materials in a neat album or book with an index and clear labeling.  For all materials, you must provide your sources, whether word of mouth or text/map sources.  Present an interesting summary of your findings to the class, then hand in your project.

Note:  If your family is not from PEI, complete the project based upon their origins.  If you can trace only one side, or if you are adopted, see me about options to deal with the project. Value 10pts

Scheduling of Presentations

In order to make it possible for all students to present their projects during the semester and not all at once, I will create a class presentation schedule with you.  Wherever possible, I will respect the dates you choose.  You MUST present three (3) mini-projects by November 6th, 2015. You will receive a mark of zero for the for the projects (first three) not completed by this date.

Normally, due to research time needed, the Pedigree Project is done last, but that is up to you.  Please write down your presentation dates; failure to meet your presentation date without a valid excuse supported by contact from home will result in a mark of zero on that presentation

No project will be marked without correct and complete sourcing.  If you are unsure how to cite something, please come see me.

Presentation Schedule
Students must complete three (3) mini-projects prior to Nov. 7th, 2016

Name _____________________________

Project Name and #                                                   Desired Presentation Date
Land and Resources:

People and Culture:

Economy and Technology:

Power and Government:

Thematic Area of Choice:

Pedigree Project:

ü  Students must complete projects to a value of 30 pts.

ü  Pedigree project is worth 10 points (all other projects are worth 5 points).