Monday, November 25, 2013

In class assignment -- Nov. 26th

Read the article: "Slave Life and Slave Law in Colonial Prince Edward Island, 1769-1825"
By: Harvey Amani Whitfield and Barry Cahill
ANSWERS MUST BE HANDWRITTEN   Please copy and answer the following questions:
1.       What Act was passed in 1781 by the colonial government of St. John's Island? Explain.
2.       When was this act repealed? What societal change did the repeal signify?
3.       Identify and discuss the two main problems encountered by historians studying Prince Edward Island slavery.
4.       List reasons why slaves and people of African descent are typically absent from historiography.
5.       Discuss slavery and African American influence during the French regime on the Island.
6.       Why did many ex-slaves migrate to the Maritimes after the American Revolution?
7.       How did the migration of Loyalists with slaves to Prince Edward Island differ from that of the slaves into New Brunswick and Nova Scotia?
8.       How did slaveholding differ on St. John's Island as opposed to in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick?
9.       Explain the notion that slaves were considered a "renewable resource".
10.   Explain "family slavery". What was the exception to this rule?
11.   Was Island slavery a kinder institution than the free labor market faced by poor white workers? Explain.
12.   Make a list of tasks, jobs, and duties often performed by Prince Edward Island slaves.
13.   Explain the statement "the slave act repeal was cosmetic".
14.   What did the repeal of the slave act signify?

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